Friday, February 7, 2014

Sore muscles and Gimp WODS

Sore muscles.  I have sore muscles.  In fact, all of them are sore. I've started going to Crossfit a couple of weeks ago, just puttering about doing mobility and whatever else I could find.  I'll confess that I moved my ten pound limit up to twenty, but hey...I was a little stronger than the average middle aged women a two months ago.  I just wanted to get a sore muscle from something other than laying around on the couch in a weird position.  But I didn't--until this week.
It's official.  I'm now doing WODs.  I call them Gimp WODs, but they're just as challenging as any I've ever done.  I no longer have a ten pound limit but I know that doesn't mean I can't hurt myself or set myself back.
I'm so fortunate to be a part of such an amazing Crossfit box.  People have been so supportive, particularly my favorite trainer, who has both helped me adapt things and made me feel as though I belong there.  I can't tell you how much that means to me.
In some ways, it's like starting over.  So far I've cleaned 65#, snatched 45", deadlifted 85#, and back squatted 100#.  No, these aren't my maxes.  I'm not even close to finding a max.  I just want to ease back in to it.  These are the weights that worked on the day I tried them.
NO....I do NOT want to ease back into it.  At all.  I want to fucking pick up what I could pick up before.  
I am out of gas.  I can I be out of gas when I'm sitting her blogging in cyberspace? Believe me, I am.  I just have an empty tank.  I'm still not getting the nutrition I need from my food (a side effect of the surgery) and I'm not totally recovered yet.  I am MUCH better than I was when I came home, when I was literally winded going upstairs to my bedroom.  I STILL have those days, though.  Just not as often.  
So WODs are tricky on a lot of levels.  I have to find moves that will strengthen my core, that aren't too painful and won't cause injury. And I have to be able to DO the move-there has been some erosion there.  The other day I picked up an 8kg kettlebell to do a clean and jerk and could swear I'd picked up 16kg instead.  Really?  This was a low moment for me and I nearly cried--until one of the women in class reminded me that I couldn't do it then, but I would be able to soon.
I've been fortunate this week.  Most of the WODs have been pretty short.  (And my adaptive moves abbreviate them as well.)  I haven't been brought to my knees (ok, the floor) by a 20 minute AMRAP yet.  Honestly, I don't think I could do that yet.  But I'm up to being able to keep moving for ten minutes.
I am proud of myself.  I'm writing this blog so I can remember this journey and never stop feeling that way.

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